blade sight WIP 2024/11/29 update notes

hi, sorry it's been so long. it's been a mixture of things, partially getting stuck on dash/parry balance part of the toolset, and then running into some optimization problems. 

so, the changes:

  • break time timer added onto broken cards - i'm still toying with this a bit, i like the information but i think it could look a little better. it's the same timer count that was on the ui for the enemy
  • dash has been adjusted - initial dash is short and can be used in either direction with [D] or [66] for a dash in the direction the player is looking or [4][D] or [44] to dash in the opposite direction, turning around. In the air the characters can't turn around so [4][D] is an air back dash. on the ground characters can backdash with [214][D], which allows the character to move backwards quickly without changing direction.
  • Air control has been set to 0, so jump  arcs are fixed. This is normal for fighting games, but weird for platformers, though with the air mobility options of double jump and airdash (both are useable together in 1 jump), it felt like an interesting feel to try. It helps with jump in attacks in combat not losing momentum while doing motions, and makes simple platforming have an interesting friction to it. This may be reverted, but so far i think it's _interesting_ for how it shapes traversal, so it's in for now.
  • down-air for Suu now causes her to bounce off enemies hit with a free double jump that resets her airdash, allowing her to position around enemies better
  • combat rounds have been adjusted, when fighting solo enemies the player will auto-lock on to the last enemy regardless of proximity. this applies for 1v1s or for enemy groups that get thinned back down to 1
  • First Hit notification now shows in 1v(more than 1) encounters
  • If a combat round doesn't have text applied to it, the round start animation is faster
  • owner-less spell cards have been removed (knife curtain and responsive to prayers), they should return attached to specific fighters later
  • (there was a lot of back end work to make the encounter systems a little cleaner, consolidating the functionality a lot)
  • optimization adjustments for framerate - graphics were auto sorted onto texture pages, but have been manually sorted to help with performance
  • Grab input has been moved to [6][E] or [4][E], this is one i'm playing with and want to see how grab works as both the grab and also as an interact button. it may move back to being a 2 button macro, maybe, if 6E/4E is too unweildy
  • Burst and Cancel have been adjusted. Both can be accessed with a two button press of ANY attack button, so any two from L, H, or GF
  • Heat burst and Normal cancel were combined, cancelling from a neutral state activates weather.
  • Red Cancel activates after striking and cancelling during the attack, Purple Cancel activates after cancelling a whiffed attack
  • The Parry deflect effect has been adjusted - Characters landing a parry will be stunned in blockstun for a short time, and will cause a shockwave that pushes away nearby attackers. Parry won't automatically defend any follow-up strikes during the flash, so multihits after the first hit will need to be manually blocked
  • Dashing has an internal meter that depletes each time it starts and while held. If the value drops below a certain threshold and an attack is deflected, the character will suffer chip damage, get pushed back more, and not cause the shockwave pushing away others. The meter refills very quickly, and is mainly a way to have some small penalty to rapidly spamming dash, since 100% uptime can be sustained on dash. I didn't want to have it so the deflect window could fail to be up, and am trying a sort of 'weak' deflect effect for imprecision. It still provides the card reveal either way
  • Matsu's dash has been changed to a quick airstep
  • Girlfriends will try to follow more than they did before when present
  • Training mode functionality has been expanded - a reset key is bindable that allows for resetting the characters in training back to a neutral state
  • Training allows for setting the player and enemy characters as well as their GFs. The GFs stay between character changes, and the first card can be selected to switch to no GF.
  • Training mode's menu is accessed from the ESC pause menu. It replaces the home page with a new page, and allows for accessing the settings menu from it. This required a slight restructuring of the menu to allow it to be dynamic
  • Enemy ai has been adjusted, most 'normal' routine enemies have more actions that they will try for. Most noteably air attacks in neutral should be more common, making some fighters much scarier to fight against.
  • A priority table system was added for some enemies such as green ninjas and lanterns to make them act on a loose pattern system. as an example Green ninjas now focus almost entirely on just throwing ninjas stars on a loose cooldown system, with a turn system that loosely makes them sequence around each other. The goal is that they should focus more on a limited strategy without acting on strict clockwork cycles. So the green ninjas will dodge around and space, but mainly throw projectiles at a predictable rhythm.
  • armor pieces on characters can now rotate with the characters (most noteable with the naginata and bow on suu)
  • a lot of the accessory pin points on suu have been adjusted to reduce the number of frames where various accessories don't align well or are flipped incorrectly. there is still some jank with many of the larger hats, which is just going to have to be how it is. there's only so much to make added on accessories look good in all her animations
  • many character portraits have been adjusted - this is ongoing, some of the nomenclature behind expressions is undergoing change
  • suu's walk animation has been reverted
  • some clipping issues with suu's dance were fixed :3
  • GF button now does something when no GF is present
  • there's probably some other things that i can't remember. i haven't been able to FULLY check every interaction, so there may be some niche crash i forgot to fix. i'm really sorry if there are any left in there.
  • Edit! - "Number of Rounds to Fight" in combat has been expanded, as well as game-over events, so there is better tools for allowing events to play under certain circumstances in combat. When battling Kiku and Ribbon in the basement, a different events can happen if the player wins 2 rounds, if Kiku wins 2 rounds, or of the player runs out of lives during the encounter

I wanted to get _something_ up, and i've been limited in dev time this week due to holidays. so the break in the work i had has me wanting to go ahead and post something, since it's been so long.

thank you to everyone who supports me, sorry there isn't more here


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75 days ago

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A friend suggested this game to me and I'm in love, thank you so much for your hard work!

Sicilia: You're a good doll Addy! Proud of you!


Hope you've had a nice holiday! :> I think it's clear to everyone how hard you're working.