blade sight WIP 2024/03/29 update notes

Trying to remember everything i'd gotten to this week.

i ended up having some stuff that i scrapped, but the main change is Spell Cards have an hp resource for enemies, a little bit better management of starting them (enemies don't have to die to start them now), some new moves for Matsu (a close heavy and down light, so they don't change her gf mode attacks currently).

Wall layers had some changes to how they work on the backend so there is better management for destructable terrain. 

Deflect has been changed again, the hit-shock effect on it has been removed, but deflection procs against ranged attacks now. After a deflect the character goes into a period of immunity where a followup action can be selected. For parrying attacks against enemies it allows for a chance to start an attack, and against bullets it will require a re-dash to deflect still oncoming bullets.

A smaller more subtle change this week is that the team system for enemies has been replaced with some timing changes. When an enemy selects an action it puts the 'action lock' timer for all enemies onto a shared cooldown, so groups of enemies should feel a little bit more reserved in their aggression. This will still be undergoing some tweaks, but it should set a better pace for group encounters.


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